How Can A Golf Specific Warm Up Help?

Golfer’s all over the world will spend hours either trying to apply the latest swing technique craze, purchasing the newest equipment or finding the next swing aid gimmick. All these are done in the hope of improving their golfing performance and lowering their handicap.

Golf is evolving, we only have to look at the world’s best players of today compared to 20 years ago. The most noticeable difference is that the majority are now athletes, even on the minor tours and as a result, they hit the ball miles. With courses longer than ever, the need for distance is a key asset to competing at the highest level.

Consequently, the physical side of the game has become more researched. Meaning it is more commonly applied at all levels and more appreciated with its link to maximising on-course performance. Along with improved swing mechanics and reducing the risk of golf related injuries. Yet, even with all this information, few apply the one method that can provide all the above, which takes just a small amount of time before a round or practise session.

Golfer driving golf ball
Why Should I Perform A Resistance Based Golf Warm-Up?

It is fascinating that few would ever consider participating in a football match or running a marathon without undertaking a warm-up. Yet, the perception of many golfers towards physically preparing their body for a game is all too often disregarded. What is often overlooked is the demanding biomechanical action and the physiological energy that is required during a golf swing. The movement that is closer to a 100m sprint than a walk and that requires large amounts of explosive power. Subsequently, high levels of force are travelling through the body over a very short period. In order to apply an efficient and consistent swing, the body’s musculature must be engaged and prepared for the demanding action.

Understanding this information highlights why so many golfers lose distance with age, as their body’s naturally decline in strength and mobility. Additionally they use a swing technique that requires less total body rotation and leg stability and more single-joint movement that produces less speed. Therefore, now is the time to change your mindset towards correctly warming up for a round of golf or range session. Learn to perform a regular routine that could assist in taking your game to the next level while keeping injury free, hitting the ball further and increasing playing longevity.

Don’t take our word for it, see what the evidence says!

Studies have shown that a dynamic golf warm-up prior to competition can:

  • increase driving distance
  • improve shot quality (centerness of strike)
  • enhance flexibility which can help with tempo and rhythm of swing
  • reduce incidence of muscle strains (injuries)

However, the majority of golfer’s complete inadequate warm-ups, do not implement one at all or focus on static stretches, However these have been shown to decrease club-head speed and driving distance as well as lowering shot quality.
The image below demonstrates the difference between driving distances of a golfer who completed different warm ups. They did not undertake a warm-up, undertook a dynamic stretching based warmup and undertook a resistance band-based warm-up. Notably there was a six-yard difference in driving distance between no warm up and a resistance based warm up, which was due to greater clubhead speed and an increase in carry distance.

How Can Physically Preparing The Body Also Impact My Mental Preparation?

Mental preparation on performance is equally important but can sometimes be challenging. This could be due to a lack of mental-skills or new emotions that occur on the day. Such as nerves, anxiety, a fear of playing badly due to a bad run of form and/or general fatigue/stress from a long week at work. These factors can all greatly reduce the chances of a positive performance; however, research indicates that a physical warm-up can:

  • put the golfer’s mind in the right place and lead to better performance levels
  • increase blood flow to the brain enhancing the nervous system and in turn activating alertness and cognitive functioning
  • increase arousal levels and activate a player’s ability to engage in positive mental imagery. Something that can reduce performance related-anxiety, raise concentration and focus and remove unwanted thoughts.
Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance For A Successful Performance 

Like in so many walks of life, consistency is king, and all great golfers apply uniformity to their routine. You just have to watch the world’s best players go through their pre-shot routines when under the highest levels of pressure trying to win a life changing sum of money to understand their habits are not by chance.

Undertaking a physical and warm-up routine that can be applied anywhere and performed consistently to the point you know exactly how long it will take you could be a key factor in your golf performance. Your warm-up preparation is designed to give you the best chance of shooting your lowest possible score on that day - regardless of form - and therefore should be planned in advance as part of your schedule just like spending time on the putting green is.

Aim to remove yourself from the golfer who spends their time hitting dozens of balls, searching for the ‘ideal’ swing on the day or relaxing in the clubhouse until five minutes before your tee time. Instead, intend on becoming the best golfer you possibly can. Sign up to the SV Golf Performance App to access golf warm ups, training programmes, nutrition advice and more.