Importance of T-Spine and Hip Mobility for Golf

The Importance of Mobility For Playing Golf

Amateur golfers commonly want to add more rotation to their golf swing to improve clubhead mechanics, increase consistency and distance. Typically, the hips and thoracic spine (T-Spine) are two key areas of the body where efficient golf swings must demonstrate 'good' range of motion. Your hip and t-spine mobility are what affects the joints ability to move through its range of motion.

When I refer to 'good', it is in the sense that each person's 'good' potential varies depending a few variables. These include age, injury history, occupation, and anthropometrics (natural measurements and proportions of the body). As a result, regardless of playing level, each individual has a realistic range of motion that can be achieved. However, this is not standardised across the game and should never be judged in that sense.

Golfer moving through swing

How to Reduce Your Risk Of Injury

Nonetheless, golf science research provides clear evidence on the joints in the body that are frequently subjected to high amounts of work during the swing and are associated with injury. The evidence supports the importance of hip and T-spine mobility in reducing stress on the lumbar region, which is the most commonly injured area of the body in golfers.

As a result, by developing greater mobility in the hips and thoracic spine, you are simply reducing injury risk to the lower back or decreasing current pain levels there. Furthermore, you are increasing your chances of achieving the swing positions you desire, enhancing the efficiency of your movement as well as the potential distance and consistency with which you hit the ball.

Improve Your Mobility With These Exercises

Here are two stretching routines that focus on increasing hip and T-spine range of motion. You can do these either first thing in the morning before work or when you have 10 minutes free. To see results it is best to perform these routines consistently over a few weeks. Alternatively, they can be incorporated into your training programme at the beginning or end of each session.

Hip Mobility Exercises

T-Spine Mobility Exercises

If you want access to more mobility routines or training programmes try my training app. You can choose your level based on your age, training experience and to fit in with your training goals. Follow this link to sign-up for a FREE 7-Day TRIAL of my Golf Performance Training App.

To find out more about the programmes and routines on the app click the link below.

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